Katedra za biofiziku i radiologiju

DICOM patients

Excel data sheet

This is the same patient for all 3 procedures. Patient geometry is available on CT images.

INSTRUCTION: DICOM data are compressed (zipped), and should be downloaded and then unzipped. You can use either DICOM viewer provided in each file or the one of Your choice.

Please replace 'name' in the .xls file with CASE ID and your ID (e.g. Foetal dose estimation_Patient 1_Dario). Estimate the fetal dose for all cases given below.

If more than one method or SW is used in foetal dosimetry, please submitt every calculation with description on separate sheet.

In the last sheet named Comunication, please describe what would be comunicated with physician/patient.

Send the sheet to WG12 Task 4 coordinatior dariofaj[at]mefos.hr


Patient 1 - Abdominal radiography

Referral Diagnosis: Ileus, nephrolithiasis/urolithiasis

Description: Plain radiograph of abdomen and pelvis



Patient 2 - CT abdominal/pelvis - GE

Referral Diagnosis: nephrolithiasis/urolithiasis,apendicitis

Description: native CT abdomen and pelvis



Patient 3 - CT abdominal/pelvis - SIEMENS

Referral Diagnosis: nephrolithiasis/urolithiasis,apendicitis

Description: native CT abdomen and pelvis



Patient 4 - CT polytrauma protocol 

Referral Diagnosis: Polytrauma

Description: Head native CT, CT C spine, CT thorax and abdomen and pelvis



IMG 5901

IMG 5902

IMG 5903

IMG 5904

IMG 5907

IMG 5908